Fair News

Organic Mountain will reach Colombian homes in the coming months


By: Juan Pablo Bahamón, Brand Manager

Supported by the noble purpose of offering 100% organic products, which in turn contribute to a good diet and a sustainable future, Organic Mountain will offer a new proposal for people concerned about the impact of food on their health and the sustainability of the planet.

We will start by conquering the premium oil market in Colombia, through large stores with the aim of achieving healthy and successful participation in competition with brands such as Gourmet, Premier and Canola Life.

As a brand strategy, educating consumers about the benefits of organic products on their health, the environment and the community in general, will prevail. Colombia is ready to receive a brand that makes the purchasing decision easier for consumers. Having to choose a product that is not friendly to the environment should not be an option. Colombians will finally have the option to choose a home cooking oil that is truly ethically and sustainably made. Consumers will learn that by buying organic oils they are protecting the environment and watching over their health.

 In search of leading the segment of organic products inside Colombian homes, very soon after our first release new products will be launched under the brand, throughout different categories in response to the growing demand for products without chemicals such as herbicides and pesticides, that also support the sustainability of the planet. Consumers want to make decisions that do not cost the environment and their health, that is why we want to help them in all the categories that we see viable. You can expect to see more Organic Mountain products in your nearest supermarket in Colombia very soon.
