Fair News

Renewable energy projects


By: Hernan Rodriguez, Voltaje Empresarial Managing Director

Over the last two years Voltaje Empresarial, a DAABON Group company, has undergone enormous transformation in terms of its new business and service approach. Towards the end of 2019 Voltaje Empresarial began the process of entering the Wholesale Energy Market as a licensed trading agent. As one of the first agents to service the total energy demand of the group while also being linked to the mechanisms for the purchase of futures energy contracts. Given the vast consumption of energy of its clients, Voltaje Empresarial positioned itself as one of the most important energy distributors in the Caribbean region of Colombia and directly represents the energy generation unit of the Tequendama Biogas facility located in Fundación.

Thanks to this incursion into the Colombian Electricity Market, Voltaje Empresarial is now a leading company in energy generation and distribution solutions in the department of Magdalena and throughout the Caribbean region. Managing not only new clients but also the achievement of projects with renewable resources, the representation of energy surpluses to users with self-generation projects and the generation of significant savings for clients through participation in mechanisms such as the Demand Response for Voluntary Disconnection.

Currently, Voltaje Empresarial is providing support in the management of the solar energy project on the roofs of the Las Américas Free Trade Zone for one of its clients, with an installed capacity of 2.7 MWp, with the purpose of achieving a self-sufficient solution in energy consumption.
